“Sciatica and Back Pain Are A Choice” - Dr. Fisher Uncovers The Shocking Truth About Lower Back Pain & Sciatica








Jan 10 2024 at 9:17 am

By Dr. Sam Fisher - Denver, Colorado.

“Sciatica and Back Pain Are A Choice” - Dr. Fisher Uncovers The Shocking Truth About Lower Back Pain & Sciatica

"Sciatica, and lower back pain are the most common medical problems in the United States."

The NIH (National Institutes of Health) indicates that nearly 65 million of Americans suffer from sciatica and lower back pain, that’s almost 20% of the whole population.

We all know that persistent back pain can stop you from living life to its fullest. This pain can be caused by a variety of problems such as herniated or bulging disc, osteoarthritis and sciatica. 

It’s a situation no one wants to be in. You're in constant excruciating and incapacitating pain. This is not your everyday muscle spasm, this is definitely coming from your nerves.

Do you want to know the cold hard truth as to why your grandkids look bored each time they come to visit you? 

Well, it’s because you can’t even play with them. You’re having difficulties getting out of bed or even standing after spending too much time on the toilet.

So engaging in a game of baseball with your grandkids or kids is unfortunately not an option.

One day, you wake up and you finally decide to go get yourself checked. After various tests the doctor diagnoses you with severe sciatica caused by disc herniation between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae (L4-5). 

The doctor recommends 3 things: Prescription medicine, physical therapy and surgery

The first step is usually some type of muscle relaxers, painkillers or anti-inflammatory medication. So you take them for some time, everything feels better but you start to realize something…

“I’m getting addicted” ...

You become aware that your tolerance is getting higher and that you started taking more and more painkillers without even noticing. So you stop before it’s too late and decide to take a shot at the other option: Physical therapy.

Now of course, I’m not going to sit here and tell you that exercise is bad for your health, in fact it is very healthy for you. But exercise is known to exacerbate the pain if you have nerve compression.

So you struggle everyday through each workout thinking that you’re making a difference, that you’re getting better but in reality you’re just making it worse and you’re about to experience it…

One Sunday morning you hear the alarm go off, you struggle to open your eyes at first but then you try to turn off that annoying noise. But what happens next is extremely shocking…

You try to reach for that alarm, but nothing happens; your body is gripped by excruciating pain radiating from your lower back. You try again and again and again until tears run down your face and you think to yourself

“Am I going to die?”…

Next thing you know, you wake up to the sound of your partner crying and shouting your name, thinking that you have taken your last breath.

Eventually, you get better but you’re only left with one solution: Spine Surgery.

But did you know that according to the NIH (National Institutes of Health) 20-40% of back surgeries fail? But what if it fails, what choice do I have you say? Well, one study found that only 30% of second back surgeries are successful (NIH).

Now I ask you the hard questions: Are you willing to never see your grandchildren/children again? Have you accomplished everything you wanted to do? 

I know what you’re probably thinking, who is this guy and who does he think he is talking about my problems like this. Well hear this out…

“I’m here to help you”

Let me properly introduce myself. My name's Sam Fisher. I'm a spinal surgeon operating out of Denver Colorado,. I'm also a 56-year-old father of three wonderful kids and I live with my amazing wife Karen.

The whole reason why I’m writing this is to tell how I found a way to beat back pain, so bear with me a little bit and in the next 5 minutes you’ll discover why everything you thought you knew about back pain & sciatica was one big lie. 

It all started around 30 years ago. My wife and I were high school sweethearts. Like most teenagers, we took our health for granted, enjoying life and everything that came with it. Sure, we were young but we knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. So at just 26, we decided to marry. And shortly after, Karen fell pregnant.

Fast forward 20 years and in 2013 my wife and I were having our weekly Saturday night dinner date. We were talking about how time flies and how much we appreciate each other when I mistakenly dropped my fork on the ground…

As she got up from her chair to go and get it, at that same instant, a momentary feeling of unease flashed across her face. At that time, I thought nothing of it but what happened next is extremely shocking and embarrassing for me to share…

Karen tries to bend forward to retrieve that fork but a sharp almost electrical pain shoots through her lower back, causing her to pause mid-movement.

I could see her suffering, her whole lower back area was in pain and we both knew that something was wrong.

After that incident, I began seeing my once strong beautiful wife struggling with everyday activities such as picking up something on the floor or even walking with her back straight. 

Days, weeks and even months went by but it only got worse.

Our once unbreakable connection began to fade away, things were cold and distant between us.

As her husband I tried everything to fix it but her self-esteem had dropped so low that it was pretty much impossible.

Things just weren’t the same as they used to be and she knew it…

“You never look at me the way you used to”...

I kept telling her that she was wrong and that nothing has changed between us but deep down I knew that it was useless. 

At this point, we tried every single solution possible. Everything from painkillers, anti-inflammatory medications, steroids & exercise.

The only solution left was surgery. Being her husband I can’t operate her myself so I brought her to the best spine surgeon in Colorado, my good friend Garry.

She went into surgery, and my heart was pumping for 4 hours as I waited for her. When the doctor finally came in, I almost passed out when he told me that the surgery was a failure...

Fortunately, she survived but that meant that the success rate of a second surgery was slim. 

After that, she was just a shell of her old self. There were nights where she took my hands crying saying…

“How did this happen to me? Where did I go so wrong?”...

I just felt totally powerless because I didn't know what I could do to help. So, you see, I know exactly what you’re going through because I saw Karen live with this awful pain for so long. 

She was such a joyful and active person before all of this, I couldn’t bear it seeing her like this.

The kids didn’t understand why their mother changed this much.

Fast forward a year and she had put on 50 pounds of fat because of overeating and not being able to exercise.

One day, I came home from work only to find her crying her eyes out. At that moment, I just couldn’t take it anymore, I imagined life without my Karen and the devastation it would cause our family, our kids. 

It was at that very moment I vowed I’d do whatever it takes, I was determined to find a way to help her get smiling again.

And that night I prayed harder than I had ever done before in my life. What happened next was the most bizarre eye-opening thing I've ever experienced. Yet it set me on the path to discovering the incredible secret that changed our lives forever

“I found it”...

I read pretty much all of the research papers regarding the issue. Just when I was about to give up, something hit me, it’s like my prayers have been answered.

To explain what that let’s first understand what is sciatica, let’s use a “pinched hose” as an analogy:

Imagine you have a garden hose that supplies water to your plants. Now, picture yourself pinching the hose at a particular point

As a result, the water flow is restricted, and pressure builds up

Now just replace the hose with the sciatic nerve and the hand pinching it is a herniated disc, bone spur, or muscle tightness.

Just like the pinched hose affects the water flow, the compression on the sciatic nerve can lead to pain, numbness, or tingling sensations along its pathway

So if we were to come up with something to stop that hand (herniated disc, bone spur, or muscle tightness) from pitching the hose (nerve) then the pressure could be back to normal.

Now what if we found a way to decompress the water flow inside that hose?

After weeks of headaches and sleepless nights, I had finally accomplished it.

When I first introduced it to my wife, she laughed at me and thought I was joking. Why, you say? Well the solution to her problem was a compression belt.

You’ve probably seen a thousand of them in the market and you’re probably right to be skeptical about it.

But let me tell you something

“This is not your regular compression belt”

Well what's so different you’re asking? The difference is the breakthrough combination of TMA & DCZ technologies.

First, the TMA technology is a combination of 3 different groundbreaking medical practices:


  • Targeted medical compression: Exerts graduated pressure, enhancing blood flow, mitigating edema, and offering stability to affected areas.

  • Multifidus muscle stimulation: Improves spinal stability, enhance core strength, and alleviates back pain or any discomfort

  • Acupressure: Alleviates pain, reduce stress, promote relaxation, improve circulation, and addresses a range of physical and emotional symptoms

Combined with the DCZ technology (Double Compression Zone technology) which is a special technique used for pressure distribution, think of it as the pinched hose earlier having a couple of holes so the pressure distribution stays the same.

Now the big question is does it work? Well after explaining all of this to my wife, she decided to try it.

After trying it for the first time, Karen didn't feel much of a difference. 

But as the days passed and the first week went by, she started noticing something changing. The sharp, electric pain that used to bother her began to lessen, giving her some relief.

With each day that followed, the belt started to show its effects even more. 

By the second week, Karen could do something she hadn't been able to do before—bend forward without much pain. She could easily pick up things from the ground, like a fork, without feeling the usual agony.

Then, after using the belt for 21 days, something amazing happened. Karen experienced a complete transformation. She could bend forward effortlessly, with no trace of pain. She became the warm, smiling, beautiful, and strong Karen I had always known.

As months went by, our life’s changed completely. She regained her joyful spirit and her beautiful smile.

This is us last year after completing a whole 26 mile marathon in less than 6 hours.

After so many years of despair, we both felt our lives were beginning again. I was convinced that this was a miracle

God had blessed us by revealing the most amazing back relief solution possible

This change had a profound effect on our relationship as well, the relief from constant discomfort allowed us to once again fully engage in our marriage and rekindle the love we once cherished before.

After living our best lives, Karen & I wanted to share it with the world. But I wanted proof of it working for others the same way it had worked for Karen. So I decided to run a study. 

I put an ad in our local paper looking for men and women from 25 to 64, who had a significant back problem and that tried every single possible solution in the past.

To my surprise, hundreds applied to test out our solution. Each participant was given a belt and told to wear it daily. And the results were more incredible than any of us could have ever imagined.

Most experienced increased energy, reduction in aches and pains, lower stress levels, better mood, and enhanced sex drive and performance. Several of them even told us that it saved their marriage.

Take a look at what some people have been saying about us

"I spent 5 days suffering from intense and debilitating sciatic pain radiating down my left leg. The sciatica was triggered by herniated discs L4-L5, L5-S1 with nerve root impingement. This belt started reducing my pain within an hour and I was able to walk, stand and sit without extreme difficulty. Being in severe pain with prescription meds not working, feeling your toes go numb, not being able to sleep because of pain is truly a scary experience and I am so grateful for this product. I plan to use this belt proactively for activities like laundry, gardening and bathing my 3 large breed dogs to give me the support I need as those range of motions can in a split second result in a lot of pain and if I can prevent it I sure will try." - Katherine A.

"It all started with a tweak around my lower back, hips, to where I couldn't even walk. It was so bad that I had to crawl to my bathroom and into the shower, where the heat loosened it up.

Let me clarify and say I am a fit 31 year old man, with little to no health issues or spine/back problems. However, sitting for 6-8 hours/day and likely poor posture reminded me immediately about being human. It happened on a Friday, right when work ended, and I was trying everything from stretches, to hot showers, to icy hot cream. I couldn't stand, the pressure on my lower back was excruciating. I could only stand for moments and if I sat down or laid down, I couldn't move.

I ordered this and after a beyond miserable night of attempted sleeping, I got it super fast and put it on.

It made me able to move again. I was able to sleep again. It made me able to sit and work at my desk again, when 2 days prior I was crawling in pain to the hot showers." - Scott H.

"I honestly never write reviews and wasn’t sure about this product but OH MY DEAR GOD I am so happy with this purchase I legit cried today . For the first time in a week I am able to move without pain , to bend over without crying , to not wish I was dead (the pain was really that bad) . This is beyond amazing and I am beyond happy. Do yourself a favor and buy this ASAP , my back pain is gone. I bartend for a living and lately I could not move due to back pain (even tho I have never had it before, been doing the same job for over 10 years). Today everything changed for me after getting this beauty in the mail. I can’t say enough good things about it . Thank you Dainely;)" - Leila B.

"I have been suffering from back pain for years due to a herniated disc in my lumbar spine. My son nagged me to try a back belt - after a lot of research I ordered this Dainely Belt. Felt uncomfortable at first but I soon got used to it. I wear it when I walk my dog and when I'm gardening. Have to say I am really pleased with it - my back has given me much less of a problem since wearing the Dainely Belt." - Skyler T.

It is with the biggest smile, that I announce that the “Dainely Belt” is finally available to everybody. 

Make sure you secure one for yourself today. I hate to say it. But time is ticking. While you are still on this page, the Dainely Belt is probably close to being sold out.

But if you leave to come back at a later date, there's a very big possibility that we'll be sold out or even worse, somehow shut down by the big pharma companies.

I get if you might be a little skeptical. I completely understand. I was too at first. After all, we've been lied to and manipulated our entire lives into believing that medication and surgery were the only paths to back relief.

Because of course, the billion-dollar back pain industry will never tell you that there's a new quick and easy way to relieve your pains.

I’m confident to say that with the “Dainely Belt”, there is a way...

"Sciatica & Back Pain are a choice"

So go ahead and click the button below. Complete the checkout and secure yours right now before it's too late.

Click the link above to see if the 50% discount is still available.

Imagine how it will feel when your kids smile and laugh as you play baseball with them.

Just imagine it for a second. Truly let yourself feel what it will be like. How much would that be worth? $10,000? $100,000, A million dollars? It is of course not something that you can put a price tag on because the results are totally priceless.

But trust me, we are not in this to make money. We truly want to help as many people as possible. 

So we tried to keep the price as low as possible while being able to cover our costs, as well as getting this message out to as many people and as quickly as possible.

I'm willing to let you have it today, at the absolute lowest price I can. So you're not going to need to pay anything like $10,000 like for a surgery. You won't even have to pay the $600 that you paid on painkillers.

The amount we charge for a “Dainely Belt” is just $80. But instead of you paying that amount today, I'm going to do something that's somewhat risky. 

You see, although $80 is more than a fair price, I know the fear, pain, and helplessness of watching your loved ones being in pain and not being able to do anything to help.

And that's something I don't want others to experience. The last thing I want is for anyone else to needlessly suffer, like Karen did for so long, just for the reason of not being able to afford this simple solution. 

So I'm not going to ask you for $80. I'm not even going to ask you for 70% that. Today, I'm going to give you a “Dainely Belt” for just $39.95. Yep, that's right, just $39.95. That's more than 40% off. It's the lowest price you're ever going to see. 

And if you're smart and take me up on this deal, I'm also going to give you this incredible bonus ebook with a worth of $29 for Absolutely free. 

Click the link above to see if the 50% discount is still available

So here's what I'm going to do for you to prove how confident I am that this product will work for you. And so you have absolutely no risk. I'm prepared to back your order with an ironclad 60-day total satisfaction guarantee that works like this. 

For two whole months, you get to take the “Dainely Belt” out on a risk-free test drive. And if you're not completely thrilled with your results, just let me know. And I'll give you every cent of your money back. No questions asked

I'll even let you keep the free ebook worth $29. Who else has the confidence to make such a bold promise like that?

So just go ahead and click the button below. Complete the checkout and secure yours right now before it's too late.

Click the link above to see if the 50% discount is still available

Hey. Still here? You probably have some questions. That’s totally understandable. I want you to be 100% confident in your decision to order the “Dainely Belt” today. These are some of the most common questions we are asked. 

Will it work for me?

Yes, the Dainely™ Belt is doctor-designed to work for men and women of all ages who are suffering from sciatica and lower back pain. If, for any reason, you are not happy with the results (if you didn't experience any relief from your pain), you can contact the Dainely customer support team for an easy, hassle-free refund anytime in the next 60 days.

What if it doesn't work for me?

Our industry-best 60 day “Results or Full Refund!” GUARANTEE means that you can try our product with confidence knowing that you get the exact kind of results we talk about or you pay nothing.

We understand you’ll only be convinced once you’ve tried it and seen the difference for yourself. So we want you to feel totally comfortable that you’re not risking a penny when you order today.

It’s simple: You have two full months to try the Dainely™ Belt. If you’re not totally thrilled by your transformation then email us at [email protected] for a full refund.

How long should I use it for?

The Dainely™ Belt can be worn 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, even while sleeping. There is no limitation to how long the belt can be worn and wearing the belt for long periods of time will not cause any negative effects.

Our customers typically begin by wearing it for 2 hours a day during the first 2 weeks. After this initial period, they use it as needed — whenever experiencing pain or requiring extra support, especially during activities involving heavy lifting or repetitive bending.

Is the Dainely™ Belt Safe?

Yes, the Dainely™ Belt is an FDA-cleared device, crafted from skin-friendly and breathable materials, ensuring there are no skin irritations from its use.

It has also been recommended by most chiropractors as one of the safest, and most effective products to alleviate sciatica and lower back pain.

Can I use it if I have a herniated/slipped/bulging disc?

That's what it was designed for - it helps stabilize your spine, strengthen your back muscles (so they can take the pressure off your spine and decompress your discs), and allows bulging, slipped, and herniated discs to retract and repair.

So if you have one of these conditions, the Dainely Belt is exactly what your back needs.

Shipping Details

Shipping is free worldwide, and takes 6-12 days. All orders are shipped with a tracking number.

How tight should I wear the Dainely™ Belt?

You need to tighten the Dainely™ Belt so it feels firm but comfortable. If you don't feel any improvements after the first few hours of wearing it, you can tighten it further.

Can I wear the Dainely Belt while sleeping?

The Dainely™ Belt can be worn 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, even while sleeping. There is no limitation to how long the belt can be worn and wearing the belt for long periods of time will not cause any negative effects.

How long until I see relief?

Instantly! Our belt relieves sciatica and lower back pain from the first time you use it. With consistent use over a two-week period, you will gain benefits that last a lifetime.

Where do you wear the Dainely™ Belt?

The Dainely™ Belt should be worn on your hip (below your waist). Here is a little tip on how to wear the Dainely™ Belt: lift one leg and locate the front leg crease, align the bottom edge of the belt with that crease.

Will wearing the belt weaken my mucles?

No, the Dainely™ Belt will not weaken your muscles in the same way a lumbar corset would. A lumbar corset is designed to take over for your core, and if worn for too long, it can make your muscles weaker, putting you at a higher risk for back injuries, disc bulges, or muscle strains.

The Dainely™ Belt doesn't actually take over for any muscles; it simply helps hold your SI Joints together, allowing your ligaments to return to their normal tension. You can wear it for weeks or months without worrying about muscle atrophy.

Can you wear the Dainely™ Belt while pregnant?

Yes, the Dainely™ Belt has been designed to provide support during pregnancy as well. Many women have found relief from sciatic and SI joint pain both during and after pregnancy. Using the Dainely™ Belt can also help prevent back pain resulting from loosened pelvic joints.

Where can I find the instructions?

The instructions are included in your package, but you can also download an electronic version here.

Can you wear the Dainely™ Belt while doing sports? (Gym, Martial Arts, Basketball...)

Yes, the Dainely™ Belt is designed to be worn during physical activity. It features breathable neoprene for sweat resistance and anti-slip silicone strips to prevent slipping during movement.

Is the Dainely™ Belt washable?

Please hand wash the Dainely™ Belt, to guarantee the materials will not be damaged and to assure a long life of the belt.

But please, I urge you to act fast, demand is looking like it we are incredibly low on stock. That could mean costs could shoot up at a moment's notice, or the stock could run dry overnight. I would hate for that to happen to you. 

So just go ahead and click the button below. Complete the checkout and secure yours right now before it's too late.

Click the link above to see if the 50% discount is still available.


Wilma Devon

Can anybody vouch for this?

Like · Reply ·

4 · 39 min

Mary Vernon

I love it. Easy to use and it really works for my sciatica. It's great.

Like · Reply ·

7 · 16 min

Doris Skylar

I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair!

Like · Reply ·

4 · 51 min

Skyler Greig

How long does shipping take??

Like · Reply ·

1 · 1 h

Marie Campbell

Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

Like · Reply ·

2 · 34 min

Leonard Boyd

Very comfortable, good fit, does not slip. if you suffer from lower back pain or sciatica, this belt provides support and makes movement more comfortable. Surprising that something so simple can be so effective. I wear mine during gym sessions as well

Like · Reply ·

6 · 1 h

Emma Emerson

Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive massage sessions

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2 h

Lois Clive

Wow, this is crazy, have ordered one now!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 1 h

Alfred Johnson

Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2 h

Edith Ashton

For me 7 business days.

Like · Reply ·

5 · 2 h

Debra Peyton

Should have bought it earlier. It relieved my sciatica pain from day 1, and on day 7 I feel like I don't even need to wear it anymore. I'll keep wearing it for 2h/day for 14 days though, that's what the instruction says.

Like · Reply ·

1 · 3 h

Paula Remington

Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

Like · Reply ·

1 · 3 h

Sarah Dudley

Yes, It comes well packed and I have used this for several weeks. It fits comfortably, and 10 min after tightening it, you don't really feel that you're wearing it it. The only thing you feel is that there is no pain😇🔥

Like · Reply ·

3 · 2 h

Agnes Graeme

I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

Like · Reply ·

4 · 3 h

Barbara Bradly

I want one so bad, I'm gonna buy it this weekend when my paycheck hits lol!!

Like · Reply ·

8 · 3 h

Ethel Dean

Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.

Like · Reply ·

1 · 4 h

Clara Milton

Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2 h

Emma Shelby

Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift

Like · Reply ·

2 · 1 h

Harry Keegan

Love it! It really works! Super comfortable and cheaper than others. Fast shipping and my wife is obsessed with it! Highly recommend! 😍🔥🔌💪

Like · Reply ·

3 · 4 h

Bridget Prescott

Love this belt totally!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 4 h

Anna Madison

I was skeptical ... Have bought one and was positively surprised. This is worth it. I was actually considering surgery, but now my sciatica is gone. Thank you Dainely.

Like · Reply ·

3 · 5 h

Clara Milton

I absolutely love my belt, had to get one for my daughter today since she wont stop using mine!

Like · Reply ·

2 · 5 h

Kate Orson

OMG I know, I was so happy that they had some left today. Had to get one immediately before they run out of stock again like last time

Like · Reply ·

5 · 2 h

Isabella Mayson

Thank you, our arrived today! Will test it tonight.

Like · Reply ·

3 · 5 h


Wilma Devon

Can anybody vouch for this?

Like · Reply ·

4 · 39 min

Mary Vernon

I love it. Easy to use and it really works for my sciatica. It's great.

Like · Reply ·

7 · 16 min

Doris Skylar

I bought mine for the full price and now they're 50% off? That's not fair!

Like · Reply ·

5 · 43 min

Skyler Greig

How long does shipping take??

Like · Reply ·

1 · 1h

Mary Vernon

Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

Like · Reply ·

2 · 34 min

Doris Skylar

Very comfortable, good fit, does not slip. if you suffer from lower back pain or sciatica, this belt provides support and makes movement more comfortable. Surprising that something so simple can be so effective. I wear mine during gym sessions as well

Like · Reply ·

6 · 1h

Emma Emerson

Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive massage sessions

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2h

Lois Clive

Wow, this is crazy, have ordered one now!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 1h

Alfred Johnson

Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2h

Edith Ashton

For me 7 business days.

Like · Reply ·

5 · 2h

Debra Peyton

Should have bought it earlier. It relieved my sciatica pain from day 1, and on day 7 I feel like I don't even need to wear it anymore. I'll keep wearing it for 2h/day for 14 days though, that's what the instruction says.

Like · Reply ·

1 · 3h

Paula Remington

Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

Like · Reply ·

2 · 3h

Sarah Dudley

Yes, It comes well packed and I have used this for several weeks. It fits comfortably, and 10 min after tightening it, you don't really feel that you're wearing it it. The only thing you feel is that there is no pain😇🔥

Like · Reply ·

4 · 2h

Agnes Graeme

I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

Like · Reply ·

4 · 3h

Barbara Bradly

I want one so bad, I'm gonna buy it this weekend when my paycheck hits lol!!

Like · Reply ·

8 · 3h

Ethel Dean

Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.

Like · Reply ·

1 · 4h

Clara Milton

Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2h

Emma Shelby

Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift

Like · Reply ·

4 · 1h

Harry Keegan

Love it! It really works! Super comfortable and cheaper than others. Fast shipping and my wife is obsessed with it! Highly recommend! 😍🔥🔌💪

Like · Reply ·

3 · 4h

Bridget Prescott

Love this belt totally!

Like · Reply ·

5 · 4h

Anna Madison

I was a skeptic ... Have bought one and was positively surprised. This is worth it. I was actually considering surgery, but now my sciatica is healed. Thank you to the company who made this.Love this belt totally!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 5h

Isabella Mayson

Thank you, our arrived today! Will test it tonight.

Like · Reply ·

3 · 5h

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